Product Details
The metal fabric is clamped tight into a frame made of flats or flat and angled bars. Various bar profiles are available. Fabric is tensioned within the frame and to assure flatness, the panel size must be considered based on fabric selection. The frame is then attached to a substructure.
Data Sheet
Acoustics (AMP), Ceilings, Covering, Enclosures, Etched Graphics, Facades, Parking, Partitions, Railing, Solar Control, Specialties View more
GKD-USA Headquarters, Aguas de Ibiza Hotel, Asfinag, Chambre de Metiers et de L'Artisanat, Dubai Opera, Edificio Pasaje Concepcion Barcelona, Elwick Place, Empire Riverside Hotel, European Court of Justice Façade, European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT), Harry Ransom Center, Hilton Frankfurt Airport, Hotel Drei Mohren, Kamran Residences, Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts Helzberg Hall, King Power MahaNakhon, Koningin Elizabethzaal Concert Hall, Luna Apartments, ParisLongchamp Racecourse, Promesso Boutique, Qatar Convention Centre, The Art Institute of Chicago, The Golden Box Private Residence, Tonhalle Düsseldorf Concert Hall, Tour Europlaza, United Cycling Lab & Store View more
Metal Fabrics:
Atlantic, Delta 16, Delta 30, Ellipse 2, Ellipse 14, Futura 3110 PC, Lago, Lamelle, Omega 1500 PC, Omega 1510 PC, Omega 1520 PC, Omega 1530 PC, Omega 226, Square, Square 25, Tucana, Potomac, Tigris TC-3, Baltic, Capella, Dolphin, Ellipse 52, Helix 24, Helix 36, Helix 48, Helix 72, Herringbone 5, Omega 1505 PC, Omega Divergence, Sambesi PC, Tigris PC, Omega Divergence PC, Choptank View more