Product Details
Both ends of the metal fabric are clamped by flat bars. Flat eyes are inserted between the flats and either turnbuckles or nuts are employed for tensioning. This attachment method is ideal for a dense, relatively heavy metal fabric.
Data Sheet
Covering, Enclosures, Etched Graphics, Facades, Mesh Partitions, Parking, Partitions, Railing, Solar Control, Specialties View more
Metal Fabrics:
Baltic, Capella, Delta 16, Delta 30, Dolphin, Ellipse 2, Ellipse 14, Futura 3110, Futura 3110 PC, Helix 12, Helix 24, Helix 36, Helix 48, Helix 72, Herringbone 5, Lago, Lamelle, Sambesi, Sambesi PC, Tigris, Tigris FCTC3, Choptank View more